Online Workshops
June 10th and 11th 2023
10th and 11th June, 2023
Over the course of the two days we meet on zoom, 3 hours each day.
Time: 16:00 – 19:00 London
Price: £150
The Language of the Soul
facilitated by Shavasti (John L. Payne)
At the core of this on-going training, rather than just learning a menu of standard healing sentences, we will begin to experience Healing Sentences as a transmission, one in which the truth inhabits the silence after the words have been spoken.
How to work with Healing Sentences and embody the power they have as a transmission.
Whether you are an experienced facilitator, recently graduated from training or currently in training this workshop is a resource providing learning and supervision in the derivation of Healing Sentences plus offering a personal journey for the deepening of their healing effect.
Many of our participants have returned 3-4 times.
Hosted by Julia Kirby, facilitated by Shavasti, author of The Language of the Soul under the name John L. Payne.
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