
Audio Book

Teachings from an Awakened Heart

A 5 hour audio journey, spoken by Shavasti

In this audio presentation Shavasti will start by sharing some transformational moments in his life that changed the core of his work and being.

In addition to that brief account, this audio presentation is an invitation to freedom, to explore the freedom you very own heart longs for and the freedom that distilled truth give us.

Shavasti invites you to consider, experience, ponder and feel who you are on multiple levels of your being as he weaves almost two decades of a journey as a professional healer, author and seeker of truth together into a tapestry of profound teachings that will change the way you experiences yourself and see your place in the world.

In Teachings from an Awakened Heart you will journey with the stream of Shavasti’s words that will bring you to new understandings and experiences of forgiveness, awakening, hidden loyalties and new opportunities for personal peace. With this audio journey you will be invited to step inside the deeper questions of your being, your longing and the deeper truths of who you are and what you really want.  

Teachings from an Awakened Heart presents truth in powerful, inclusive and pervasive ways that will invite to surrender to the core of your being – irrespective of what you discover about yourself along the way. You will discover that to love is totally natural and that there is, and never has been, anything wrong with you.

With great thanks to the production team leader: Letia Ayres and to our Muse: Justin Bonnet 

The Symbol:

The symbol under the water on the cover is the Sanskrit ‘Yam’ symbol. The repetition of ‘Yam’ becomes bija mantra (seed mantra). The most well known bija mantra, or ‘seed’ syllable is Om.  ‘Yam’ is used to open and balance the Heart Chakra – 

Sanskrit: अनाहत, Anāhata.

Track Titles:

Hand of Grace

Loss of Heart


Direct Experience

Healing Relationships

What do you want?

Love & Peace

An Opening Heart

Devoted to the Heart

Death & Back

To download for $24.00

Click HERE 

Reviews of "Teachings from an Awakened Heart" Audio Book

This book touched me very deeply. There were many places, where I really stopped and started to think about my life; do I really want to know the truth... This question hit me hard. And I found myself in a spiral I had been avoiding for a long time. Strangely, different defence strategies started to show up and melt in front of my eyes. It took some time, until I was brave enough to embrace the answer. And as I said "yes", something passed my whole body - deep knowing, responsibility and connectedness of what has been there all the time and waiting for me to open up my eyes. Shavasti's voice is guiding safely to the territory, we mostly don't dare to go. Thank you Shavasti!
Jaana Saar
“Deep, brilliant, teachings from a man who has walked the path every step of the way, a must listen!”
Patricia White Buffalo
Founder and director of “Walking the Shaman’s Path Program”  
 'Shavasti’s ‘Teachings from an Awakened Heart’ is a sound investment. As a spiritual teacher, and committed student of life and God, Shavasti provides what one may experiences as something akin to a rich individual session in the form of meditations and guided reflections. Addressing so many levels, Shavasti (aka John L. Payne), is not afraid to use the term “God” and conversely is unafraid of challenging those who linger only in the God realm, critical of and completely detached from all of the teachers available to us as ‘relational beings’. He gently suggests the tragedy of seeing human beings without the inclusion of that which is greater than flesh and bone. In Teachings from an Awakened Heart, Shavasti provides a transparent personal history which includes harrowing experiences including a horrific home invasion with a gun being held to his head; with a generous soul, Shavasti shares the deep soul initiation and the journey that transpired as a result. A friend of life and death, Shavasti’s humble assertion is that he is not a unique or rare ‘Awakened heart’ but that he is in the process of Awakening. Encouraging us to work, live and love with an ‘awakened heart’ Shavasti proposes that this place, perspective, and paradigm, is the place that introduces the grace of surrender, while in a practical sense preventing burn-out for those who work with healing and being in service. Part poetry, part prose, Teachings from an Awakened Heart is engaging and encouraging. Giving everything a place, Shavasti introduces an expanse of soul which would be a benefit for any human being.
Francesca Mason Boring
Author ‘Connecting to our Ancestral Past’
 In listening to these teachings I enjoy how Shavasti tells his story and how, through his literary artistry, he weaves teachings, story, and integrations - to inform and heal humanity.
Author of 'You Long for Me'
'Shavasti cuts to the core of where each person must go to reengage their sacred humanity. He understands true healing and is a visionary catalyst towards intimate union with all of life. Every soul deserves the Teachings from an Awakened Heart.’
Simran Singh
Author of Conversations With the Universe & Your Journey to Enlightenment, Host of 11:11 Talk Radio, Steward of 11:11 Magazine
“Shavasti’s eloquent manner calls out to our heart and soul while helping us feel a deep inner peace just by listening. His reflections on the deeper meaning of life, love and our most precious heart gives “you” the lucky listener a new way to perceive deeper aspects of their very own life.Shavasti’s confident voice and beautiful cadence shows us how many years this enlightened seeker has spent on his own inner work and personal self-discovery. His personal generosity and love comes through very strongly as he addresses the human experience in intimate detail. He addresses our place in life as we experience the microcosm within the macrocosm simultaneously. After listening to this wonderful presentation I’m left with the most delicate and intricate ecosystem on Earth is that of the Human Heart.”
Gary Stuart
Author ‘Many Hearts, One Soul’
"For anyone who is really interested in a breakthrough in any & all areas of your life, please get this wonderful audio book.  It is going to challenge you to look at what is necessary in order to realise the highest degree of fulfilment in your life's journey!"
Charles Wallert, New York
Award winning music Producer/Composer
"There is sustenance in Shavasti's every word.  His work is meant to be received slowing and completely.  It is for those willing to look beyond the veil of comparison into a far richer terrain where silence and the soul meld together into infinity. As I absorb the truths offered in this book, my soul is quieted and my heart is warmed.  The parts of me that hunger for the absolute truth are satisfied at last. So much gratitude emerges from within for Shavasti speaking what is true.  For what is true harmonizes with my deepest parts; and as I take in Shavasti's teachings I experience a dance of joy emitting from my heart center."
Shanelle Pierce
Olympia, WA, USA
"Thankyou Shavasti for helping me to surrender to the wisdom of my own heart.The timeless wisdom that has always been there, but that I had just forgotten. Shavasti’s Teachings from an Awakened Heart will gracefully allow you to really feel what it truly is to surrender to your own own heart and discover the love that is always here, the invaluable teacher who can help you lead your life with freedom, compassion and authenticity."
Ollie Lurie
UK, Osteopath
"So beautifully articulated Shavasti. I find that you guide me to a point where 'everything clicks into presence'. You take me to a place... and I experience a profound realisation. Within a moment I can see an emotional and energetic thread running through my life experiences and patterns and this is transforming. Its like I start to see myself for who I really am .Your perspective/perception is one of the most unbiased, free and honest that I have come across. There is no hidden agenda here. Just honesty and truth which is so, so welcome and needed and refreshing and healing...and rare! There is not one person on this planet that would not benefit from listening to this book. Blessings, love and deep thanks"
Tracey Coulson

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